Clear out the clutter & RECLAIM YOUR SPACE!
Like many in this field, my knack for organizing started when I was young. On any given Saturday, while friends might be off playing, I would take on the chore of organizing the family garage. Not because I was told to and not because I was being punished, but because it's what I wanted to be doing. Even at a young age, disorder and clutter frustrated me and I sought to fix it. If not the garage, I'd be in the basement, or the work shed, and occasionally my own closet and bedroom.
This organizing bug lives strongly inside me today. I can't pass an overstocked pantry, a chaotic home office or even a simple junk drawer without the urge to make sense of it. I see friends and neighbors drowning in a sea of clutter and unwanted possessions and I want to help free them of this burden.
Most of my career I worked as a Graphic Designer and Art Director. I've worked for a major newspaper, a concert promoter and a manufacturer of camping equipment. At every job, I was highly praised for how well organized I kept my workspace, and I was equally praised for my handling of paperwork and managing of projects. In fact, the monicker "Mister Organized" was first given to me at the newspaper job for the way I set up and maintained the department I managed.
While I still dabble in graphic design from time-to-time, I've decided to make professional organizing my full-time career. Because I'm good at it, I enjoy it immensely, and it brings me great satisfaction knowing how happy my clients are.
About Tom Scott
...and how he became "Mister Organized"